612-206-3773 Jean@BrandlLaw.com

Licensing and Discipline

Professional Licensing

If you are a nurse, psychologist, doctor, or lawyer your professional license is one of your most valuable assets. Whether you are experiencing licensing challenges or facing disciplinary measures, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the process. Jean Brandl has successfully defended her clients in numerous licensing and discipline cases to ensure they did not lose their license to practice in their chosen field. Jean Brandl will review your case, prepare documentation, and help you negotiate the process from an initial investigation all the way through an administrative hearing, if necessary. Jean has the experience and toughness to negotiate or litigate to protect your valuable career.

Committee on Student Scholastic Standing (COSSS)

If you are a medical student at the University of Minnesota who is facing any kind of disciplinary action, your first step to stay in school is to contact an attorney. Jean will help ensure that you can stay in school while she works with you to plot next steps. A COSSS hearing puts your future in jeopardy. Jean has the experience and insight necessary to protect your future medical degree because she understands the COSSS system and can help you successfully navigate the demands of a hearing.